How to remove Black Hunt ransomware

Black Hunt ransom note:

As you can see we have penetrated your whole network due some critical network insecurities
All of your files such as documents, dbs and... Are encrypted and we have uploaded many important data from 

your machines,
and believe we us we know what should we collect.

However you can get your files back and make sure your data is safe from leaking by contacting us using 

following details :

Primary email

Secondary email(backup email in case we didn't answer you in 24h)  ,

Your machine Id : [REDACTED]
use this as the title of your email
(Remember, if we don't hear from you for a while, we will start leaking data)

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Black Hunt ransomware.

What is Black Hunt ransomware?

Black Hunt is an illegal program that engages in digital extortion. Due to this behavior, it has been classified as ransomware.
To be more specific, Black Hunt performs three different actions. The first one is to encrypt the victim’s data. This is essential for the extortion process as encrypted files cannot be accessed. The second is to rename the files, to make sure the victim recognizes the attack instead of simply blaming a computer glitch. Black Hunt adds three things to each filename: the victim’s ID, the hacker’s e-mail address, and .Black file extension. The final step is to create a ransom note, communicating the hacker’s demands to the victim. In our case, it is called “#BlackHunt_ReadMe.txt”. Read its full text on the image above, or its summary in the paragraph below.
The note, written in slightly broken English, suggests that the hackers intended to target companies. Accordingly, no ransom amount is given; they likely intend to negotiate.
Contacting the hackers may not be the best course of action. They expect to hear from companies and not individuals; also, they often take the money without decrypting the files. Our guide offers an alternative way to remove Black Hunt ransomware and decrypt .Black files.

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