How to remove PAY IN 24 HOURS ransomware

pay in 24 hours ransomware

What is PAY IN 24 HOURS ransomware?

PAY IN 24 HOURS ransomware is a malicious program from the Xorist family. The main purpose of this virus is to encrypt files and demand a ransom for decryption tools. During the encryption process, the extension “…. PAY_IN_MAXIM_24_HOURS_OR_ALL_YOUR_FILES_WILL_BE_PERMANENTLY_DELETED _PLEASE_BE_REZONABLE_you_have_only_1_single_chance_to_payment_payment_payment_payment_payment. Users will not be able to open and use the file while the extension is present in the file. If you try to undo the extension and remove it, problems may arise. READ MORE

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