How to remove Sunjun ransomware

Sunjun ransom note:

All your files have been encrypted. If you want to restore them, write us to the e-
inCase of no answer

Write this ID in the title of your message [REDACTED]

send RSAKEY file stored in C:/ProgramData  or other drives in email

Do not rename encrypted files.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third-party software and sites. It may cause permanent data loss.
The decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased prices (they add their fee 
to our), or you can become a victim of a scam.

This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Sunjun ransomware.

What is Sunjun ransomware?

Sunjun is a virus that falls under the classification of ransomware. The name is self-explanatory: ransomware is a category of viruses that generate money via ransom. So, how does Sunjun do it?
The process can be divided into three steps. During the first step, the virus encrypts all files on the victim’s computer. Encrypted files are completely inaccessible, but can be decrypted. You may think of them as “password-locked”. The second step is to rename the files. This is mainly done to increase the visibility of the attack. In our case, the virus appends some information and .Sunjun file extension to each file’s name. The third and the last step is to create a ransom note, letting the victim know what the hacker wants. In Sunjun’s case, the note is a text file called “Read.txt”.
You can read the note on the image above, but, unfortunately, it offers little in terms of information. No ransom amount is mentioned; the victim is merely instructed to send certain information to a specific e-mail address.
Thankfully, there are ways to remove Sunjun ransomware and decrypt .Sunjun files without paying the hacker. Some of them are described in the guide below.

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