How to Remove Looker Extension

Delete Looker virus extension

What Is Looker?

looker” is a browser extension that may appear on a computer as a result of malware getting installed on the machine. Looker is a browser hijacker: it redirects users’ searches from their chosen search engine to Bing. Users may encounter difficulties when trying to uninstall Looker as the extension may become “installed by administrator” and miss the option to remove it in browser settings. There also may be other malware installed on the computer which will reinstall Looker were users successful in removing it. You may follow this step-by-step guide to remove Looker extension from your browser and get rid of the search redirect. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to make users turn on its notifications on their computers. may tell users that they need to click Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up if they want to watch a video, download a file, open a page, solve a CAPTCHA, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will begin showing up time and again with ads, clickbait links, software offers, fake messages, etc. The notifications will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen on Windows, in the top-right corner on macOS, or on the lockscreen on Android. READ MORE

How to remove Hhuy ransomware

What is Hhuy ransomware

Hhyu is a malicious program that makes money by hacking the victims’ computers, encrypting their data, and demanding ransom to decrypt it back. This class of viruses is called ransomware, while Hhuy in particular is a part of the STOP/Djvu ransomware family. STOP/Djvu can be understood as a group of viruses that were created using the same method, that share a lot of characteristics as a result. Compare Hhuy to, say, Jhgn ransomware and you will see that they’re almost identical.
All STOP/Djvu ransomware programs create a file on the victim’s desktop to communicate hackers’ demands, and Hhuy is no exception. The image above contains the full text of the note. To summarize, the hackers demand $980 from the victim, however this price is cut in half if the victim pays within the first 72 hours after infection.
Files affected by Hhuy (typically all files except for the ransom note) are given the .hhuy file extension. This means that a file that was previously named “myphoto.jpg” would now have a name “myphoto.jpg.hhuy”. This is done because the hackers want the victim to notice that something is wrong with their files as soon as possible.
In this guide, we will explain how to remove Hhuy ransomware from your computer, and what one can do to decrypt .hhuy files without paying the hackers.

How to remove Hhwq ransomware

What is Hhwq ransomware

Hhwq is a name given to an illegal money-making program. The way it generates money is by infecting a victim’s computer and encrypting all data on it, rendering it inaccessible. As many people have important files on their computer, this can be very harmful – ranging from sad, but relatively harmless loss of years worth of pictures, to catastrophic such as losing a thesis that needs to be submitted in a week. Hackers know this loss of data can be very serious, in fact they’re banking on it. For a fee, they offer to decrypt the files – which effectively means they’re holding the data of their victims hostage and are demanding a ransom. This is why this type of viruses is called ransomware.
Hhwq is a part of STOP/Djvu ransomware family, which means it is very similar to other viruses in it (compare Jhgn).
To communicate their demands, the hackers made Hhwq leave a ransom note on the victim’s desktop. It is named “_readme.txt” – you may read the full text of the note on the image above, if you so choose. One important highlight is that hackers demand $980 in ransom, or $490 if the victim pays promptly.
Files encrypted by Hhwq are given the .hhwq file extension. For example, a file named “cat.png” would be renamed “cat.png.hhwq”. This visibly shows the victim that something is wrong with their files.
This guide will explain how to remove Hhwq ransomware, and will help you decrypt .hhwq files.

How to Remove

Delete lp not home virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to make users turn on its notifications. Site notifications are messages from sites that appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen on Windows, in the top-right corner on macOS, and on the status bar on Android. claims that users need to allow its notifications to prove that they are not robots, to access a webpage, to start a download, etc. Should a user turn on notifications, those notifications will begin appearing on his or her screen periodically with ads, clickbait links, fake messages and alerts, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete Extra Video Live virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a dubious website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that they need to click Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up box to prove that they are not robots, to watch a video, to download a file, or some other reason. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will begin appearing on his or her screen from time to time with ads, links to shady websites, prompts to download something, scammy messages, etc. The notifications will appear in a corner of the screen on a computer or on the status bar on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete Notif Travel virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into subscribing to its notifications service. may tell users that they need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box if they wish to watch a video, access a page, prove that they are not robots, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications will start showing up time and again on the right side of the screen and spamming the user with ads, clickbait links, software offers, fake alerts, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a shady website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that they need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to prove that they are not robots, to access a webpage, to watch a video, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will begin popping up on his or her screen time and again with ads, clickbait links, software offers, fake alerts, etc. The notifications will appear in the lower-right corner of the screen on Windows, in the top-right corner on macOS, or on the lockscreen on Android. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to make users allow its notifications on their computers. claims that users need to click Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up box if they want to watch a video, open a page, solve a CAPTCHA, start a game, or for another reason. Should a user click Allow, notifications from will start showing up periodically in a corner of the screen and spamming users with ads, clickbait links, prompts to download something, scammy messages, and so on. READ MORE

How to Remove Lucky Relic From Mac

LuckyRelic is controlling this setting virus removal from mac os x

What Is Lucky Relic?

Lucky Relic is a browser extension (add-on) that may appear on a Macbook after a user installs a free or cracked app or runs a file downloaded from an untrustworthy source. Lucky Relic sets the default search engine on browsers to a fake search engine which redirects all users’ searches to Yahoo. Extensions that change the default search engine, Start Page and similar browser settings against users’ wishes are called browser hijackers. You may follow this step-by-step guide to remove Lucky Relic from your Mac and get rid of the search redirect. READ MORE

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