How to make CV (Curriculum Vitae)

What is a CV and what about its types

CV is a document containing information about skills, work experience, education and other achievements. The Latin term “Curriculum Vitae” is translated as the road of life, biography, short autobiography. In sum, CV is a description of person’s abilities that make him or her competitive in the job market. CV can be specific, namely, if you are looking for a specific position (teacher, salesman, cook), or general, which does not focus on specific area. The difference between these two types of CV is that when writing the first type, it is necessary to write about experience and skills that are related to the profession you are interested in, skills, experience and places of work in other areas, you can not use in the CV. And when writing a second type CV, you need to write everything, your entire career and educational path.

how to make curriculum vitae

The purpose of CV is to attract the employer’s attention and encourage the employer to invite you for an interview, so it is important to write your CV so that you will attract the attention of some company that will provide you with high income.

Ways to write CV

Below, we provide you with visual instructions on how to write a CV by hand, but if you do not have a lot of free time or are not sure that you will be able to write everything correctly, then applications that can help you come to help. is an online resume builder that will help you create a professional and convincing CV quickly and easily.

Resume Maker

resume maker

Resume Maker makes writing a professional resume easy for Windows. It provides all the tools you need to write a high quality resume that will get the attention of hiring managers. It can help you write a resume you can use to apply for jobs and share on social media. Use Resume Maker for MAC if you need it.

How to write a CV by hand

CV Writing Style

Important nuances of CV:

purposefulness – a statement of the main information confirming the right to apply for a certain position;
brevity – no unnecessary words, abbreviations and terms;
specific – lack of information that is not directly related to work;
precision and clarity ;
honesty (no false information);
The main principle of writing CV is to emphasize all the positive points.

What should the CV be?

These pictures show two types of CV. The first is most likely aimed at looking for any position, while the second CV is a CV that focuses on the technical profession.

cv cv

There are two types of CV, that exist.

how to make good cv

In both types, there must be contact details by which you can contact you (phone, mail, social networks), place of residence (country, city); all places of work (from last to first), education (specialty and year of the beginning of study and the end of study, if you are still studying, then write the year of the beginning of the study and the year of the approximate graduation); career experience (taking some courses, working on some projects, etc.), desired salary (optional, but desirable). If you are writing a general CV, then add information about language proficiency, good computer skills, and other information that may attract an employer. If you write CV to search for a certain profession, then add details for it, for example, you are looking for a translator’s vacancy, be sure to indicate the level of proficiency in the language / languages, study experience. If you are looking for a job as a teacher, be sure to write about the experience with children.

What is the difference between Cv and Resume?

Unlike a CV, a resume is a more concise document that lists the key, most important points of your professional career. Also in the resume, places of work are indicated in reverse chronological order. Emphasis on experience, skills and achievements can be individually placed for a specific job. Thus, the resume of one candidate may have different content depending on the vacancy.

Nuances of CV in different countries

In Germany

In Germany employer sents a set of documents called the Bewerbung . Bewerbung includes a cover letter (Anschreiben), a title page with a photo (Deckblatt), an autobiography (Lebenslauf), references from past jobs (Arbeitszeugnisse, Referenzen), copies of educational documents, certificates, certificates (Zeugnisse, Bescheinigateen), Z message on the recognition of foreign qualifications. CV must be printed on expensive white office paper, the copies must be of good quality, the documents must be arranged in a certain order. In Germany, a special “Bewerbungsmappe” CV folder is usually used to send CV and documents.

cv in germany

In France

Unlike many countries, France has a very tough attitude towards spelling and punctuation errors in a CV, so it will simply be thrown away and will not even be considered if there are mistakes. Job titles often include keywords that reflect the purpose of the search. Everything that you indicate in education or experience must be confirmed by certificates or recommendations of former employers. The volume of the French CV is up to 1 page.

cv in france

In China

A Chinese CV MUST be 1 page. Reduce the font, remove the margins, shorten the text, BUT MUST BE 1 PAGE in a pdf file with an embedded digital version of the document and integrated fonts. The most attention is paid to the “Education” section. If you have a higher education and many additional courses, then you are guaranteed success.

cv in china

Good CV is the first and significant step in work

If you want to get a high-paying job, then in addition to your experience, your helper is CV. So, use our guides and tips to write your best CV.


1 thought on “How to make CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  1. Reply
    dilshadahmad - September 16, 2021


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