How to Remove

Delete Best Com Ads Live virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which tries to trick users into turning on notifications from the site. may tell users that they have to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to prove that they are not robots, confirm that they are of age, start playback on a video, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will start showing up periodically in a corner of the screen with ads, clickbait links, software offers, fake alerts, etc. The notifications will appear on the right side of the screen on a computer or on the lockscreen on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into accepting its notifications request. claims that users need to click or tap Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to prove that they are not robots, open a page, see a video, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will start showing up in a corner of the screen time and again and spamming the user with ads, clickbait links, prompts to download some software, fake messages, etc. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus

What Is

If has become your browser’s homepage, or your searches started getting redirected first to and then to some other search engine (,, etc.), there is probably a browser hijacker installed on your computer/smartphone. A browser hijacker is a piece of software – usually a browser extension, sometimes accompanied by a separate program – that can alter homepage, default search engine and similar browser settings and stop users from changing those settings again. Most of the time users install hijackers unknowingly, together with free or cracked programs. Also, sometimes browser extensions that users have had for some time get updated and start behaving like hijackers. You may follow this step-by-step guide to find and uninstall the browser hijacker and remove from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications
App home for prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is an untrustworthy website which tries to make users turn on its notifications on their computers. claims that users have to click Allow on its “Show notifications” dialog box to access a webpage, solve a CAPTCHA, download a file, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications will start appearing on his or her screen from time to time with ads, links to dubious websites, software offers, fake messages and alerts, etc. The notifications will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen on a Windows machine, in the top-right corner on a Macbook, or on the status bar on a mobile device. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete Our Hot Posts virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which tries to trick users into accepting its notifications request. may tell users that clicking Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box will let them access a page, see a video, start a download, etc. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will start showing up periodically in the top-right or bottom-right corner of the screen, depending on the OS, and spamming the user with ads, links to shady sites, prompts to download something, fake alerts, and so on. READ MORE

How to Remove Legion Suites From Mac

LegionSuites is controlling this setting virus removal from mac os x

What Is Legion Suites?

Legion Suites is a browser hijacker that may get installed on a Mac in a bundle with a free or cracked application. A browser hijacker is a piece of software that can alter homepage, new tab page or the default search engine on browsers and stop users from changing those settings again. Legion Suites sets the default search engine on Google Chrome to a website which will redirect users’ searches to Yahoo. This step-by-step guide will help you remove Legion Suites from your Mac and restore your favorite search engine. READ MORE

How to Remove

Delete virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a shady website which attempts to trick users into subscribing to its notifications service. Site notifications are messages from sites that pop up in a corner of the screen on computers and on the status bar on mobile devices. claims that users need to click Allow and turn on its notifications to prove that they are not robots, confirm that they are of age, see a video, download a file, etc. Should a user click Allow, notifications will begin spamming him or her with ads, clickbait links, software offers, scammy messages, etc. READ MORE

How to remove Ofoq ransomware

What is Ofoq ransomware?

Ofoq is a malicious program classified as ransomware. Ransomware programs exist to illegally make money, a goal they try to accomplish by taking over a victim’s computer and encrypting (locking) all their files. The program then communicates its demands to the victim, usually via a simple text file. They generally consist of sending a large amount of money to the hacker who wrote it, promising that their files will be decrypted (unlocked) if they do this. It is worth noting that often, the hackers do not honor this promise; the victims who paid the hackers but did not receive their files back are not uncommon.
Ofoq in particular belongs to the STOP/Djvu ransomware family (this means that it’s similar to other programs in this family). It modifies the names of the files that it encrypts by adding .ofoq file extension, which is how it got its name. Its ransom note is called “_readme.txt”. You can read the full text on the image above, but the short version is, the hackers do not mention the price at all. The only information given is the hacker’s email and that the victim will have to pay in Bitcoin.
But this is not something you should do. It is possible to remove Ofoq ransomware completely on your own, for free. It is more difficult to decrypt .ofoq files, but there are free options for that too; this is still better than paying the criminals. The guide below will explain the specifics.

How to remove Exploit6 ransomware

Exploit6 ransom note:

Attention! All your files are encrypted!
To restore your files and access them,
send an SMS with the text - to the User Telegram @root_exploit6

You have 1 attempts to enter the code. If this
amount is exceeded, all data will irreversibly deteriorate. Be
careful when entering the code!


This is the end of the note. Below you will find a guide explaining how to remove Exploit6 ransomware.

What is Exploit6 ransomware?

Exploit6 is a malicious computer program (a virus) designed to do several different things. The first, and the most damaging act it performs on the victim’s computer, is encrypting all files it can find. This means they can no longer be opened or edited. However, this damage is not permanent; with the right key (password) they can be decrypted back to normal. This brings us to the second function of the program.
The hackers make their program encrypt random people’s files for a reason; it is a way to make money. Their virus leaves a note on the victim’s computer (called “READMI.txt” in this case). These notes typically contain the hacker’s demands (how much money they want to decrypt the files) and contact information. In this case, it does not mention how much money the criminal wants. Perhaps it is negotiated on a case-by-case basis. The note itself is very short; you can see the full text on the image above.
These two are the primary functions of the program, functions that caused it to be categorized as ransomware. However, it also has a third one. All files it encrypts are given .exploit6 file extension. This, too, is common for these programs.
The guide below will explain how to remove Exploit6 ransomware from your computer and decrypt .exploit6 files without paying anything to the hacker behind it.

How to remove Cyber_Puffin ransomware

Cyber_Puffin ransom note:

Attention! All your files are encrypted!
To restore your files and access them,
send an SMS with the text C32d4 to the User @lamer112311

You have 1 attempts to enter the code. If this
amount is exceeded, all data will irreversibly deteriorate. Be
careful when entering the code!

Glory to @Cyber_Puffin

This is the end of the note. Below is a guide explaining how to remove Cyber_Puffin ransomware.

What is Cyber_Puffin ransomware?

Cyber_Puffin is a ransomware program, which means it makes money by infecting computers, encrypting all files on them with cryptographic algorithms, and demanding payment for their decryption. Remarkably, this particular piece of ransomware is very similar to another recent one, Exploit6. Perhaps they’re written by the same hacker, or perhaps we’re seeing a birth of a new ransomware family.
Either way, let’s move on to more practical concerns and details. On the image above, you can see the ransom note Cyber_Puffin leaves on infected computers. It is called “Cyber_Puffin.txt”, and doesn’t contain much information; merely an instruction to send a text message to a certain Telegram user. This might mean that the hackers negotiate decryption prices individually, or perhaps they just want to get the victim engaged before mentioning the price.
The ransomware also changes the encrypted files’ names, or, more specifically, extensions. They are all given a new .Cyber_Puffin file extension, with their old one remaining intact as well. So a file named “note.txt” would be changed to “note.txt.Cyber_Puffin”.
It is best not to contact the hackers, especially since they want you to use Telegram and not e-mail; you might get your account stolen. Beyond that, the criminals often simply don’t decrypt the files even after the payment.
But it is possible to remove Cyber_Puffin ransomware for free, and even decrypt .Cyber_Puffin files. Read the guide below for instructions.

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