How to remove 62IX ransomware

62IX ransom note:

Attention! All your files are encrypted!
To restore your files and access them,
send an SMS with the text [REDACTED] to the User 

Telegram  @Verve_is_God

You have 1 attempts to enter the code. If this
amount is exceeded, all data will irreversibly 

deteriorate. Be
careful when entering the code!

Glory @ixix6262

This is the end of the note. The guide below will explain how to remove 62IX ransomware.

What is 62IX ransomware?

62IX is a harmful ransomware program that encrypts all files on the computer infected with it. This means that the files can no longer be opened, edited, or even previewed. But this is a reversible procedure; which is where the hackers’ profit motivation comes in. The program doesn’t just encrypt all these files, it also offers a way to decrypt them by leaving a ransom note. The note, called “КАК РАСШИФРОВАТЬ FILES.txt”, merely points the victim at the hacker’s Telegram account (the full text of the note is available on the image above). Also of interest is the note’s name: “КАК РАСШИФРОВАТЬ” means “HOW TO DECRYPT” in Russian. Perhaps it is a clue to the program’s origin.
Either way, we also know that the virus renames the files it encrypts, adding .62IX file extension to them. This means that “photo.png” would be renamed to “photo.png.62IX”, for example. This is pretty typical; this gives the victim a clear hint that something is wrong, as all file icons change to blank ones as a result.
Paying hackers, especially ones with potentially Russian origins, is a bad idea. And contacting them over Telegram could be dangerous for your account there. Thankfully, there is a way to remove 62IX ransomware and decrypt .62IX files without paying the hacker. Read the guide below for details.

How to remove Joker ransomware

Joker ransom note:

Your Files Are Has Been Locked
Your Files Has Been Encrypted with cryptography Algorithm
If You Need Your Files And They are Important to You, Dont be shy Send Me an Email
Send Test File + The Key File on Your System (File Exist in C:/ProgramData example : RSAKEY-SE-24r6t523 pr RSAKEY.KEY) to 

Make Sure Your Files Can be Restored
Make an Agreement on Price with me and Pay
Get Decryption Tool + RSA Key AND Instruction For Decryption Process

1- Do Not Rename or Modify The Files (You May loose That file)
2- Do Not Try To Use 3rd Party Apps or Recovery Tools ( if You want to do that make an copy from Files and try on them and 

Waste Your time )
3-Do not Reinstall Operation System(Windows) You may loose the key File and Loose Your Files
4-Do Not Always Trust to Middle mans and negotiators (some of them are good but some of them agree on 4000usd for example and 

Asked 10000usd From Client)  this Was happened

Your Case ID :[REDACTED]
OUR Email
 in Case of no answer:

This is the end of the note. The following is a guide explaining how to remove Joker ransomware.

What is Joker ransomware?

Joker is an illegal program that makes money via data ransom (this is why it’s called ransomware). It infiltrates the victim’s computer and encrypts all files it can find using cryptographic algorithms. This renders the files inaccessible; to view and edit them again, they need to be decrypted. You can think of it as password-locking. Of course, the victim is not given the password; instead, the hackers say that the only way to decrypt the files is to pay them.
Joker specifically belongs to the VoidCrypt ransomware family. Files locked by this ransomware are given .Joker file extension, which is how the virus got its name to begin with. The virus also leaves two ransom notes, “Decryption-Guide.HTA” and “Decryption-Guide.txt”. They contain the same information, but the first one appears automatically, as a pop-up. You can read the full text on the image above, but here are the highlights.
The note does not mention any specific price; it merely asks the victim to contact the hacker to negotiate. It is also written in very poor English.
Giving into these demands is not recommended; often, the hackers simply take the money and disappear without giving the victims their files back. You can, however, remove Joker ransomware and decrypt .Joker files by following the guide below.

How to remove Aayu ransomware

What is Aayu ransomware?

Aayu is a malicious program that infects the victim’s computer with the intent to hold their data for ransom. Because of this behavior, it received a more specific definition – it is a ransomware program.
Holding data for ransom involves a field of science known as cryptography, as the hackers in control of the program cannot simply delete the data. It needs to be present, but inaccessible. So they utilize complex mathematical algorithms to essentially password-lock your files; a process more commonly known as encrypting them. The idea is that the victim cannot restore the files on their own because they lack the key (the password) and don’t know the algorithm used. So hackers tell them that they have no choice but to pay money. Although not completely true, this is how the reasoning goes.
Aayu specifically is a part of the STOP/Djvu ransomware family, very similar to other viruses in it (compare Mmdt to see for yourself). All of them change encrypted files’ extension, in this case, .aayu file extension. All of them leave a ransom note called “_readme.txt” on the Desktop (see image above for full text) with exactly the same demand, 980 US dollars or half as much if the victim pays promptly.
It is best to ignore this steep price, as it is possible to remove Aayu ransomware for free. You may also be able to decrypt .aayu files for free, or restore them using another method. Read this guide for more information.

How to remove Aamv ransomware

What is Aamv ransomware?

Aamv is a ransomware program in the STOP/Djvu family. If these are just words to you, without any meaning, we’ll quickly explain. A ransomware program is a virus that infects the victim’s computer to encrypt all their files. This makes them inaccessible: you cannot read or edit them. However, they are not gone; it is possible to decrypt these files to make them normal again. The hacker who created the program offers to decrypt the files the program encrypted, for a price. This is how these programs make money and why they exist.
Aamv in particular, like we’ve mentioned, is a STOP/Djvu strain. It is very similar to all other viruses in this family; just compare, for example, Oodt ransomware and see the similarities for yourself.
All viruses in this family change the extensions of the files they encrypt (in this case, to .aamv file extension). They also have identical ransom notes, all named “_readme.txt”, placed on the Desktop, and containing the same demands ($980, or $490 if paid within 3 days after infection). The only thing that differs is the hacker’s contact information. You can see Aamv ransom note on the image above.
This is not cheap, and even if it was, hackers are unlikely to actually decrypt your files. Instead, read this guide explaining how to remove Aamv ransomware and decrypt .aamv files for free.

How to Remove

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Delete Web Touch Inc virus notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a shady website which tries to make users turn on its notifications on their computers and smartphones. claims that users need to click Allow on its notifications confirmation pop-up to solve a CAPTCHA, access a page, play a video, download a file, or for another reason. If a user clicks Allow, notifications from will begin showing up periodically in a corner of the screen with ads, clickbait links, prompts to download something, fake messages, etc. READ MORE

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What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into subscribing to its notifications. may tell users that they have to click Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box to prove that they are not robots, confirm that they are 18+, see a video, open a page, etc. If a user clicks Allow, notifications will begin popping up periodically in the top-right or bottom-right corner of the screen and spamming users with ads, link to shady sites, software offers, etc. READ MORE

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Delete,, (Main Captcha Top virus) notifications prompts users to allow its notifications

What Is is a questionable website which attempts to trick users into allowing it to send them notifications. Site notifications are messages from websites that appear in the bottom right hand corner of the screen on Windows computers, in the top right hand corner of the screen on Macbooks, and on the lockscreen and the status bar on mobile devices. claims that clicking Allow on its “Show notifications” pop-up box is necessary to prove that users are real people and not bots. If someone does click Allow, notifications from will start appearing on his or her screen from time to time and spamming the user with ads, fake alerts, software offers, scammy messages, etc. READ MORE

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