How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

If started opening on your browsers’ homepage, start page or new tabs, or have become your default search engine, and it keeps coming back after you remove it from browser settings, then you have a browser hijacker on your computer. A browser hijacker is an app (a browser add-on usually) that can change homepage and some other browser settings, so that users are forced to repeatedly visit specific sites. Most sites on the Internet make money by showing ads to users, so more visitors means more revenue for site owners. You may follow this step-by-step removal guide to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove Clikz Extension

How to remove Clikz 1.1 (“This extension is managed and cannot be removed or disabled.”), ID: jpfhjoeaokamkacafjdjbjllgkfkakca, ID: mmemdlochnielijcfpmgiffgkpehgimj, Clickz

What Is Clikz

A browser extension called Clikz or Clikz 1.1 (“Clikz check weather for you every time you search for it..”) might get installed on your computer one day and prove hard to delete. Clikz changes your default search engine, so that your searches from the address bar bring you search results on Yahoo or other search engine. Clikz might also generate ads and pop-ups on your browser. You may get Clikz installed when you install free software and don’t decline all extra programs that are offered to you. Or you may end up on a webpage that won’t let you leave until you install an extension. The problem with Clikz is that, unlike most browser extensions, this one makes itself “installed by enterprise policy” and just will not get deleted the usual way. To successfully remove Clikz you’ll first need to reset Group Policy on your computer that doesn’t allow you to uninstall Clikz. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete (Easy Speed Test) virus

What Is (Easy Speed Test) may start to appear on new tabs or homepage of your browser, or become your browser’s default search engine and redirect your searches to Yahoo. A browser hijacker usually is a browser extension; it can alter some of the browser settings, like homepage, to make users repeatedly visit certain sites (most sites’ revenue depends on the number of visitors). Browser hijackers can also collect data about users’ Internet-related habits – sites they visit, search queries they make – and send it back to their servers to later use for customized advertising. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove “Save Tabs” Extension

How to remove Save Tabs 0.9.0 (ID: dgjepfldodmdfmdidhhgamnklbdibndi ; “This extension is managed and cannot be removed or disabled.”

What Is Save Tabs 0.9.1?

A browser extension called Save Tabs 0.9.1 (“Easily convert your Chrome tabs to a list, manage lists and restore them back to separate tabs in a click”) might appear on your Google Chrome after you install some free software from the Internet. Or you might install this extension yourself after getting redirected to site. Save Tabs makes itself unremovable by changing Windows Group Policy and becoming “installed by enterprise policy”. You would want to delete Save Tabs from your computer, as it causes new tabs to pop up on your browser and load ads or tech support scam sites. It may also redirect your searches from the omnibar to Yahoo or other search engines. This browser extension is yet another one in the family of malicious Chrome extensions that’s been plaguing users for the past months (like unTabs, Cookies On-Off, History Open, Always Weather, Clean My Chrome and others). This removal guide will help you to reset Group Policy and remove Save Tabs from your computer. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop,,, new tab pop-ups

What Is

If new tabs pop up on your default browser from time to time and open (or a similar URL from the same site) which immediately redirects the tab to a random shady webpage (online casino, movie-streaming site, adult site, and so on), these are caused by adware. This adware might end up on your PC after you install a program or run a file downloaded from an untrustworthy source, and may be accompanied by several other PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) like browser hijacker. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the adware and stop pop-ups. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

If have become your browsers’ homepage, new tab page or default search engine, and you cannot remove it from browser settings for good, then you have a browser hijacker on your computer. A browser hijacker is a piece of software (most often a browser add-on/extension) that changes homepage and some other browser settings to make users repeatedly visit specific websites and increase those websites’ ad revenue. A browser hijacker might get installed on your computer together with free software from the Internet. This step-by-step removal guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete (My Online Calendar) virus

What Is

If (My Online Calendar) started opening on your browser’s new tabs, homepage or start page and keeps coming back after you delete it from browser settings, then you have a browser hijacker installed on your PC. Browser hijackers are a type of software that change some of the browser settings to make users repeatedly visit certain sites, boosting ad revenue for those sites. Browser hijackers are distributed primarily via bundling with free software on the Internet. You may follow instructions below to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser settings. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is is advertised as a privacy-oriented search engine that doesn’t collect and store information about its users, unlike many popular search engines. You may install SeardhDefence yourself after seeing a pop-up ad, or it may be installed together with some free program from the Internet. Once installed, SearchDefence will become your default search engine and may even redirect you from Google and other search engines to You may use instructions below to get rid of SearchDefence software and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

A browser hijacker can change your browsers’ default search engine, start page or new tab page to and stop you from changing those to something else. Browser hijackers do that to boost traffic for specific sites and therefore increase those sites’ ad revenue. Other than that browser hijackers often collect users’ browsing-related data: their ID address, URLs that they visit, search queries they enter on searching sites, and so on. That data can be shared with other companies that will use it for customized advertising. A browser hijacker may end up on your computer after you install freeware downloaded from the web and don’t opt out of all extra programs that the installer urges you to get. This step-by-step removal guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to delete virus

What Is

If your searches from browsers’ address bar, as well as from Google and other search engines, get redirected to… and then to Yahoo search results, the reason is a browser hijacker. This browser hijacker might have ended up on your PC after you installed free software and didn’t opt out of extra programs that were offered for installation, or agreed to “recommended” installation option. Another possibility is that you’ve launched a file (pirated program installer, some book, movie, font, screensaver, etc.) downloaded from a questionable source, but that file turned out to be a trojan and installed a bunch of malware and adware onto your PC. This step-by-step removal guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and stop redirects. READ MORE

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