How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is (Login Email Account) might become your new tab page, homepage or default search engine after you install some program or game downloaded from the Internet for free. Freeware installers often contain several PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) along with the program they are supposed to install. Usually users get a way to decline these extra apps before installation but that way may be obscure, and not all users bother to do it. The piece of software that changes browser settings (homepage, default search, etc.) is called a browser hijacker. You may follow this removal guide to get rid of of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is

If (Search Messenger) have become new tab page, homepage or default search engine of your browsers without your participation and you aren’t able to change those settings back, then a browser hijacker is installed on your PC. Browser hijackers usually take form of browser extensions/add-ons and get bundled with programs and games on free downloading websites. When a user installs something downloaded from such a site and forgets to refuse all extra software offers, their computer ends up up with some adware, browser hijackers and other potentially unwanted applications installed. This removal guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser settings. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is

A browser hijacker may set your homepage, start page or default search engine to (The Weather Center) and hinder your attempts to change those back. That is likely done to boost that site’s traffic and increase its advertising revenue. Browser hijackers are usually browser extensions (add-ons): various toolbars, downloaders, and so on. Most of the time they get onto computers when users install free software from the web and don’t decline optional programs that are offered during installation. This step-by-step guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is (Local Weather Pro) may become your new tab page, start page or search engine one day and refuse to get deleted. The reason is a browser hijacker that got installed on your computer, probably together with some freeware you’ve downloaded off the Internet. Many freeware sites add various PUPs (potentially unwanted programs) into their installers as optional offers. If a user doesn’t decline, all these PUPs end up installed on his or her PC. A browser hijacker is usually some browser extension (a toolbar, for example) that can change homepage and some other browser settings and direct users to certain sites. You may follow this removal guide to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser settings. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is

If your homepage, start page or default search engine is set to, and you cannot change these settings by usual methods, that means a browser hijacker got installed on your PC. A browser hijacker is usually a browser extension (add-on) like a toolbar, a video downloader, some extension for social media that, apart from performing its advertised functions, alters default search engine and other browser settings and counteracts user’s attempts to change those. You may follow this removal guide to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browsers. READ MORE

How to Remove Bitmotion Tab Ads

How to stop, ads

What Is

Ads for Bitmotion – New Tab extension (URLs:, might pop-up on your browser on opening or during your web-surfing. They may be accompanied by many other new tab pop-ups and redirects, and your search engine, homepage, start page may be changed to a site you didn’t set yourself. All that is a result of adware being installed on your computer. Most likely that adware was bundled with free software you’ve downloaded from the Internet, or it was installed by a malware dropper masquerading as some book, movie, game, etc. You may follow this step-by-step removal guide to get rid of the adware and stop pop-ups and redirects. READ MORE

How to Remove Ads

How to stop ads

What Is

If your browser keeps redirecting you to an ad for Alien Tab Chrome extension (URL: or opens new tabs with the same ad, that is a sign of an adware infection. You have probably got this adware installed when you launched some file or software installer downloaded from a questionable source. Other pop-ups and redirects might also occur on your browser, while your homepage and search engine might be set to some unfamiliar website. You may follow instructions on this page to get rid of the adware and stop pop-ups and redirects. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is

A search engine called Your Searching ( might become your homepage, start page or default search engine and prove difficult to remove. The reason is a browser hijacker that got into your PC together with some freeware you’ve downloaded off the Internet. A browser hijacker is usually a browser extension/add-on, sometimes backed up by a separate program, that can change browser settings (homepage, new tab page, etc.) and direct users to specific sites. This step-by-step removal guide will help you to get rid of the browser hijacker and remove from your browser settings. READ MORE

How to Remove “History Button” Extension

How to remove History Button (“This extension is managed and cannot be removed or disabled.”

What Is History Button?

History Button extension may appear on your browser one day after you install some free program downloaded from the Internet. This extension gives you quick access to your browser history, but the downside of using it is ads that it generates on your browser and possible redirects of your searches to Yahoo or other search engines. However, when you try to uninstall History Button you will run into problems, as “this extension is managed and cannot be removed or disabled“. History Button changes Windows Group Policy when it gets installed, to make itself “installed by enterprise policy” and pretty much impossible to remove until you change this policy back. Group Policy is used on corporate networks by admins to configure users’ computers, and is rarely put to use on personal machines. You may follow instructions on this page to reset Group Policy and remove History Button from your browser. READ MORE

How to Remove

How to stop redirects

What Is

A browser extension called Search Encrypt may be installed on your computer as an “optional offer” when you install freeware from the Internet, or you may install it yourself after encountering its ad. Search Encrypt supposedly protects your privacy by redirecting your searches from “unsafe” search engines that remember and store your search history to In reality it means that you cannot use Google, Bing and other popular search engines even when you want to, as Search Encrypt consistently redirects you to search results on its own website. You may follow instructions on this page to uninstall Search Encrypt and stop redirects. READ MORE

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