How to remove GiveMeTheKey ransomware

remove givemethekey ransomware

What Is GiveMeTheKey ransomware?

GiveMeTheKey ransomware is ransomware for all types of browsers. Infection tactics include file hijacking. Files attacked by virus become unavailable for use. These files cannot even be opened.
The difference between this ransomware and many others is that GiveMeTheKey ransomware does not mark locked files with. Locked files do not have a distinctive extension READ MORE

How to remove FlyingShip ransomware


What Is FlyingShip ransomware?

FlyingShip ransomware is a viral ransomware. Site is named ransomware because it runs an illegal encryption algorithm and extorts money from victims for deceiving decryption. This virus renames all encrypted files using the extension “.Flyingship“. READ MORE

How to remove FastWind ransomware

how to remove fastwind

What is FastWind ransomware?

FastWind ransomware is a virus that is launched by a fast infection algorithm. Virus enters the system through other malicious applications, spam emails, trojans, corrupted apps and Exploit kits, so users do not notice the virus penetration until they see the symptoms of infection. READ MORE

How to remove WyvernLocker Ransomware

wyvernlocker ransomware

What Is WyvernLocker Ransomware?

WyvernLocker Ransomware is a ransomware that encrypts user data using a special algorithm. The .xienvkdoc extension is appended to encrypted files to indicate that they are not available. Virus was discovered in July 2020. After files are infected site will show a ransom note _READ_ME_.txt in which the developers demand to pay a certain amount for decryption READ MORE

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